nannybag.com General Terms and Conditions of Use and Sale of Services

1. Purpose

These General Terms and Conditions of Use and Sale of Services of the Website www.nannybag.com (hereinafter the Terms and Conditions) are published by the company Nannybag SAS (hereinafter "Nannybag"), a simplified joint-stock company with share capital of €7,771.60 and headquarters at 66 avenue des Champs-Élysées 75008 Paris France, registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 817 899 305 and publisher of the site www.nannybag.com (hereinafter the "Website").

Email address: contact@nannybag.com.

These Terms and Conditions will define the terms under which Users and/or Members are permitted to use the Website and the terms of access to and operation of the Services offered by Nannybag on the Website.

www.nannybag.com is an online community platform that brings together individuals who would like their luggage to be stored temporarily and professionals who wish to offer temporary luggage storage for a fee. The Website allows advertisements for luggage storage space to be published and spread online, offers online booking and payment of these storage services and lets members communicate and exchange information once a booking between them has been confirmed.

2. Definitions

The following terms, used with a capital letter, will be taken to have the meaning explained below:

Luggage: refers to goods that a Traveller can store with a Nanny, defined in article 5

Terms and Conditions: refers to this document, entitled "General Terms and Conditions of Use and Sale of Services"

Account: refers to the personal area of a Member registered on the Website and includes their personal information and any advertisements published by them

Service Fees: refers to the remuneration received by the Website for the Services offered by Nannybag

Member: refers to any User registered on the Website. The Member must be an individual who is a natural person of legal age or a professional, and must have the legal capacity to enter into this contract. All clauses applicable to Users are also applicable to Members

Nanny (Nannies): refers to a Member registered on the Website who owns or rents a private space, and who is authorised to use it regularly, where luggage can be stored temporarily. The Nanny is a professional who acts as a depositary to keep luggage entrusted to them by Travellers in a private and professional storage space and then to return it to the Traveller later. The Nanny who keeps and then returns the Luggage entrusted by a Traveller or several Travellers through the Website will receive remuneration from the Traveller, which will be transferred via Nannybag

Profile: refers to the personal information entered by the Member in their Account area. Certain information is visible to all Users, whereas other information is only visible to Members with whom the User's booking has been confirmed

Services: refers to the range of services offered by Nannybag on the Website, defined in article 4

Website: refers to the internet platform www.nannybag.com. The Website includes its technical and software infrastructure and content, including text, sounds, still or animated images, videos and databases, hyperlinks, tree structures, navigation mode, layout, design, etc.

Price: refers to the fixed price(s) for a Traveller's luggage storage with a Nanny. The prices displayed on the Website include Nannybag's Service Fees

User: refers to anyone who browses or uses the Website without being identified or registered as a Member. Their use of the Website is governed by these Terms and Conditions

Traveller: refers to a natural person of legal age and of legal capacity who is a Member of the Website and has successfully completed their registration on the Website who wishes to entrust their luggage with a Nanny for leisure/non-professional reasons, as a depositor

3. Acceptance of Terms and Conditions

Access to, use of and registration on the Website imply full acceptance of these Terms and Conditions. All users or Members of the site acknowledge that they have been fully informed of and are bound by these general conditions which form a binding agreement, in compliance with article 10 below.

The User and/or Member may not oppose any condition or clause herein without express written consent from Nannybag. Nannybag reserves the right to modify these Terms and Conditions, in part or in their entirety, at any time. The new version of the Terms and Conditions will be applicable as soon as it is published online for Luggage storage that has not yet been paid for on the day of their publication.

If at any point Nannybag does not invoke one of the clauses in these Terms and Conditions, this may not be interpreted as a renouncement to enforce this clause later.

4. Services

Generally, Nannybag's services aim to facilitate access to the Website and to the services offered by Members and to act as a payment collector in a limited capacity for each Nanny, accepting payments from Travellers on behalf of the Nanny.

The role of Nannybag is mainly limited to the following services:
• Spreading adverts published by Nannies,
• Bringing together Travellers and Nannies: the Website allows Members to get in touch easily, Travellers to make a booking with a Nanny who has published an offer of Luggage storage as a depositary and both parties to exchange and communicate information once the Booking has been confirmed,
• Offering secure payment for Members, supported by its financial partners, Stripe and TransferWise. The Website enables Travellers to pay the total of their booking online securely through Stripe service and Nannies to be paid the relevant amount through TransferWise service, after deduction of Nannybag's Service Fees,
• Giving Members automatic Nannybag protection, for Luggage storage only: the Website offers protection that covers certain incidents occurring to Luggage (material damage to the Luggage and its contents, breakage, loss, theft) that may arise during storage, to the exclusion of all other incidents,
• Provide Members with a detailed summary of their confirmed Bookings.

Nannybag is just an intermediary that brings Members together and shall never been considered as a party in the storage contract. As such, Nannybag does not accept liability as a contracting party in any circumstances. Nannybag will never act as an agent, broker or insurer.

5. Clauses linked to storage and nature of belongings stored

Luggage storage
Storage is an act whereby a depositary receives an item belonging to someone else (depositor). The depositary is obligated to look after it and to return it at the time agreed in the Booking. Storage involves three elements: drop-off of a movable item, obligation to look after the item and obligation to return it.

The Website's purpose is to enable Travellers to drop off their Luggage and leave it with a Nanny on premises where their belongings will be stored and returned at the agreed time.

The premises must be a private space used regularly by the Nanny where the Nanny's use is authorised.

The Nanny expressly agrees to keep the premises clean, enclosed, covered and off-limits to the public and to Travellers, excluding premises located in huts, sheds, mobile homes, caravans or on barges.

Travellers must drop off their Luggage at the entrance to the Nanny's home or shop.

Nannies reserve the right to check the contents of Luggage when it is dropped off and to refuse to store the Luggage for which the Booking was made if the Traveller refuses the check or if its Luggage contents do not comply with clauses relating to the nature of belongings stored. If the Nanny refuses to accept non-compliant luggage, or if the Traveller refuses to have their luggage checked, the reservation will be cancelled without reimbursement of payments made online by the Traveller.

The Nanny will take all appropriate measures to be able to identify the Luggage dropped off by each Traveller and therefore to be able to return the correct Luggage to the correct Traveller. Failing this, the Nanny will be liable for any error when returning Luggage.

The Booking summary received by the Traveller and the Nanny includes some recommendations for both parties, such as using a padlock on the Luggage, for the Traveller, or checking the content of the Luggage before storing it on the premises, for the Nanny.

Nature of the belongings stored
Luggage includes suitcases and bags of all kinds with or without wheels, as well as foldable buggies, that a Traveller wishes to entrust to a Nanny, excluding the items below:
• Luggage exceeding a unit weight of 30 kgs,
• Baggage with a height, width or depth exceeding 90 centimeters,
• Metal trunks,
• Any good whose unit value exceeds €1000,
• Important personal effects such as keys, wallets, identity documents, passport, driver's license, handwritten documents, property titles and other official documents, business papers, travel tickets, credit cards, cash or any other means of payment, securities etc.,
• Mobile phones and smartphones, digital tablets, digital readers, laptops or not, cameras and all photographic, radio, sound or image recording or reproduction devices as well as their accessories,
• Any electronic device of any kind,
• Luggage and luxury bags, watches, fishing rods, golf clubs and more generally all sports equipment, clocks, porcelain, earthenware, trinkets and decorative objects, carpets, paintings, tapestries , furs, books, musical instruments, housewives, collections (is considered as a collection, the gathering of objects of the same nature, having a relation between them and being the object of a quotation between collectors) etc.,
• Clothing and any footwear item valued over €400,
• Metal or precious stone jewelry, fine pearls, works of art,
• Cosmetic products such as perfumes, creams, make-up, etc.,
• Anything fragile: crockery, porcelain, earthenware, etc.,
• Food or perishables,
• Medicines,
• Prostheses of all kinds, glasses and contact lenses,
• Cigarettes, tobacco and tobacco products,
• Liquids, wines and spirits,
• Chemicals, toxic or dangerous,
• Moldy, polluted or contaminated objects or goods,
• Firearms, ammunition, explosives, fuel and fireworks,
• Radioactive or dangerous materials,
• Liquid fuels (eg LPG, FOD, heavy fuel oil and similar products….),
• Combustible gases (eg acetylene, methane, butane and propane, hydrogen…),
• Flammable liquids,
• Illicit substances,
• Living beings (animals, plants or others),
• Waste,
• Stolen or illegally held goods or merchandise,
• Goods stored for commercial purposes,
• Merchandise,
• Computer files except blank information media.

6. Registration on the platform (the Website)

The Website is accessible to its Users via internet on a fixed or mobile device with a web browser.

Users may freely consult the advertisements published on the Website by Nannies.

Some of the Website's functionalities can be used for free and without registration, whereas others require at least registration.

In order to access the full range of services, and especially to be able to publish an advertisement or make a Booking, Users must register on the Website and create an Account.

Only those who declare themselves to be of legal age, with the legal capacity of entering into a contract and able to satisfy Travellers' requirements may create an account. The Nanny, as a depositary, declares that they have the right to store Luggage regularly in a private area.

In order to become a Member, the User must create an account and complete a form with the following items: name, surname, email address (which will act as a username), country of residence and desired password. An email address confirmation will then be sent. Every Member guarantees the exactness of information supplied, that the information is up-to-date, sincere and does not aim to mislead or defraud.

The username and password are strictly personal and confidential. Any login to a personal account will be assumed to be carried out by the Member. Nannybag may not be held responsible for logins by third parties.

Some additional information must be completed by the Nanny in order to publish an advert, and some must be completed by the Traveller to make a reservation, in accordance with articles 7.1 herein.

Each Member may only create one account, for strictly personal use. The Member also agrees to update registration information if it changes at any time.

7. Advertisement publication

7.1. Clauses linked to advertisement publication
In order to be able to publish an advertisement on the Website, the Nanny must complete certain information in their profile: personal information, address and additional information, schedule of availability, ID and company bank details.

Nannies must also complete a form with the details of their storage offer advertisement.

The advertisement includes the following items: full address of storage premises, the Nanny's hours of availability, language(s) spoken.

The Nanny who publishes the advertisement agrees that a Google Street View screenshot will accompany the advertisement.

Adverts properly completed will be automatically published on the site, without verification by Nannybag of the veracity of information completed by Nannies. In this regard, Nannybag operates only as a storage service provider.

The Nanny is fully responsible for the information published in the advertisement.

The Nanny agrees to read any messages received via email at the address provided in their profile, Booking and messages received via the Website's internal messaging system on a regular basis and to reply as soon as possible.

This Wallet allows Nannybag to transfer the amounts owed automatically to the Nanny, to the bank account associated with the bank details entered upon registration, when services have been provided and there is no ongoing dispute.

The Nanny must tick to indicate acceptance of these Terms and Conditions.

8. Content moderation

Nannybag does not moderate or select content: adverts are published on the Site without checks or verification of the accuracy and update of announcements (excluding profiles certified by Nannybag), the legal status of Members, the information contained in their profiles, the activity of users and Members of the site. In this regard, Nannybag operates only as a storage service provider.

However, Users or Members may flag any abuse at any time by contacting Nannybag via email at: contact@nannybag.com stating the reason in the subject line.

Any advertisement including false information or behaviour from a Member that may disrupt the correct functioning of the service, especially lack of punctuality or response to Booking notifications, may lead to the advertisement concerned being deleted or the closure of the Member's account, at the discretion of Nannybag. In this event, no compensation may be claimed from Nannybag.

9. Bringing Members together, Booking, Luggage return

When a Traveller is interested in a Nanny's online advertisement, the Website allows them to book online immediately and pay online directly, if the Nanny has provided their schedule of availability and their hours of availability or opening hours and if the drop-off and pick-up times chosen by the Traveller coincide with this schedule.

After booking the Traveller will be informed by email at the address provided in their Account with a detailed summary of the confirmed Booking and payment will be taken automatically.

The Traveller is only the decision maker when choosing whether to accept the terms offered by the Nanny in their advertisement.

Once the Booking is confirmed and paid, the Traveller and the Nanny may use the Website's internal messaging system to exchange information.

The Traveller will not be able to drop off and store their Luggage with their selected Nanny unless they have successfully created an Account on the Website and their online payment of the price of the transaction and the Service Fees has been validated.

Luggage storage with a Nanny may only be for a duration corresponding to one of the packages available at the time of Booking.

Renewal of any ongoing Luggage storage is subject to the initiation of a new transaction on the Website and, if necessary, a new storage contract.

Luggage return
The Nanny is obligated to return the Traveller's Luggage stored with them in the same state in which it was dropped off at the premises.

The Traveller is obligated to check in the presence of the Nanny that the returned Luggage is in the same state in which it was dropped off and that all the belongings stored are returned. In the event of a dispute, the Traveller must contact Nannybag before leaving the place of deposit in order to make a complaint. No complaint of any kind will be accepted if it is made after leaving the place of deposit.

The Traveller is advised to take a photo of the Luggage stored when dropping it off.

Moreover, the Nanny is obligated to return the Luggage stored only to the Traveller who dropped it off and not to anyone else. For this reason, the Traveller must present their Booking summary and ID.

For added security, before returning the Luggage concerned, the Nanny must ask the Traveller to describe the quantity and characteristics of the Luggage stored.

In the event of Luggage not being returned to the Traveller, Nannybag may decide at its sole discretion to compensate the Traveller. The Nanny assumes full liability for any non-return of Luggage attributable to them. Nannybag reserves the right to delete the Nanny's Account, to suspend all payment for services on their electronic Wallet and to cancel any other ongoing Bookings, all without prejudice to any other action taken against the Nanny concerned.

10. Request and payment

The Luggage storage services offered by Nannybag as an intermediary are provided at the prices in effect on the day on which the Traveller makes their Booking as they are displayed on the Website and displayed again before the Traveller makes their request. These prices, which include all taxes, include the storage service, Nannybag's Service Fees, Nannybag protection and VAT. The Service Fees are calculated based on the price of the Booking.

Prices may be modified at any time, without warning, by simply displaying the new prices in effect.

Luggage storage with a Nanny shall only be for a duration corresponding to one of the packages available at the time of booking. The price displayed for a package is the price for one piece of Luggage.

A Luggage storage Booking will only be confirmed when the Traveller has paid the whole transaction, including the amount due to the Nanny and Nannybag's Service Fees plus VAT.

However, the prices displayed do not take into account exchange rates or fees linked to the use of a foreign bank card.

All Bookings constitute a definitive order as soon as they are paid in full by the Traveller.

The price displayed in the request confirmation is the definitive price. Prices are displayed with all taxes included.

Bookings made through the Website are carried out in the following way. Nannybag uses the services of the company Stripe to collect payments carried out online and TransferWise to redistribute the amounts owed to the Nanny, as well as to Nannybag for its Service Fees:
1. Payment time: payment is made immediately by the Traveller for instant Bookings. The Traveller will be informed of the total amount payable before they confirm their Booking.
2. Booking confirmation: a Booking summary (date and time of Luggage drop-off, package chosen, number of pieces of Luggage, price of Luggage storage and total price) will be displayed on the Website, so that the Traveller can check their order and confirm it or abandon their Booking.
3. Choice of payment method: the Traveller may pay for their Booking online, through bank card only (Visa, Mastercard or JCB). Payment will be carried out on the site's secure interface. The Member's bank details do not pass through the Website. Only Nannybag's partner has access to this information.
4. Confirmation of Terms and Conditions of Sale: the Booking will be confirmed definitively once Nannybag's Terms and Conditions of Sale have been read and accepted by the Member, who thus recognises that they aware of and subject to the clauses of these Terms and Conditions. The box "I accept the Terms and Conditions of Sale of Nannybag" must be ticked for the Member to be able to proceed to payment. The act of ticking the box will have the same value as a handwritten signature from the Member.
5. Order confirmation: confirming the order summary constitutes an electronic signature. This signature has the same value as a handwritten signature for both parties and acts as proof of the totality of the order and of the payability of the sums owed for this order.
Please note: the Company reserves the right not to confirm the order in the event of existing disputes with the Member, of total or partial non-payment of an order by the Member, or of a card payment being declined by a banking organisation.

Connection and communication fees (internet) linked to the use of the Website are the responsibility of the User or Member.

Nannybag will not be responsible for any errors in payment or Booking confirmation linked to a Member's input error. Services are requested on a personal basis. Account information (username and password) are personal and must not be given to third parties.

Members are reminded that their purchase will be effective as soon as their payment method is validated and confirmed. Once payment has been made, a purchase confirmation email will be sent by Nannybag to the Member in order to confirm payment and the requested Booking. This email will be sent to the email address provided in the Profile of the Member concerned.

The transaction is stored on computerised registers kept on Nannybag's and its partners' IT systems under reasonable security conditions and will be considered proof of communication, orders, confirmations and payments between the Member and the Company. This information will be valid unless the Member provides written proof to the contrary. These items will be stored on a durable and reliable medium, which the Member agrees to consider as proof of the contractual relations between the parties, in accordance with article 1348 of the civil code.

A Booking summary will also be sent by Nannybag to the Traveller and to the Nanny, and includes the following information: date and time of Luggage drop-off, chosen package, number of pieces of Luggage, location of premises, the Nanny's details, the price of the service and the total price including taxes. This summary must be presented by the Traveller to the Nanny both at the time of Luggage drop-off and at the time of pick-up. This detailed summary also includes Nannybag's recommendations for the Traveller and for the Nanny.

Once payment and the Booking have been confirmed, the Traveller and the Nanny will be able to exchange information on the Website's internal messaging system.

The amounts paid by the Traveller are not refundable in any circumstances, except in cases of cancellation described below or if the right of withdrawal is exercised.

11. Booking cancellation – Termination

Cancellation by the Traveller
Up to the Luggage drop-off time agreed in the Booking, the Traveller may cancel their Booking and will be refunded the amount paid online for this Booking. In this event, the Nanny expressly agrees not to be compensated.

No cancellation will be accepted after the Luggage drop-off time agreed in the Booking.

Nannybag does not moderate or select content: adverts are published on the Site without checks or verification of the accuracy and update of announcements (excluding profiles certified by Nannybag), the legal status of Members, the information contained in their profiles, the activity of users and Members of the site. In this regard, Nannybag operates only as a storage service provider.

Cancellation by the Nanny:
The Nanny may cancel a Booking at any time, in which case the Nanny expressly agrees not to be paid the planned amount. The Booking will be transferred to the nearest open nanny within a radius of one kilometer. If no nanny matches, the Traveller will be refunded the entire amount paid online for this Booking and will be able to carry out a new Booking.

Cancellation procedure
Cancellations may be made without justification.

To cancel a confirmed Booking, the Traveller or the Nanny must go to their account, select the Booking concerned and change the status of this Booking by clicking on "Cancel". A cancellation confirmation request will be displayed with a message informing the Member of the consequences of the cancellation. Once the cancellation is confirmed, an automatic notification will be sent to the other Member via email. However, it is not possible to cancel a reservation already started.

The refund of the amounts due to the Traveller, where applicable, will be carried out within a maximum of 15 days from the time of cancellation.

When the Luggage is dropped off or when it is being stored, each party (Traveller or Nanny) has the right to terminate the service in the event of the other party's failure to comply with their commitments (unauthorised items in Luggage, inadequate premises or not as described in the advertisement, non-compliance with these Terms and Conditions, etc.).

Nannybag is not a party in the contract made between a Traveller and a Nanny in any circumstances, but agrees to help the parties to resolve any disputes amicably.

Furthermore, Members accept the following consequences in the event of termination:
- In the event of a Traveller's non-compliance with their commitments and/or with these Terms and Conditions, they will not be refunded by Nannybag for the terminated Booking.
- In the event of a Nanny's non-compliance with their commitments and/or with these Terms and Conditions: Nannybag agrees to refund the Traveller the amount paid online for this Booking in full or in part. Nannybag may cancel the payment of the amount owed to the Nanny for this Booking and charge the Nanny for the Service Fees paid by the Traveller at the time of booking. The Nanny expressly agrees that the total amount of these Service Fees will be deducted from the Nanny's Wallet when they are paid for a future transaction.
- In the event of a Member's non-compliance with their commitments and/or these Terms and Conditions, Nannybag reserves the right to delete their Account.

The Party who wishes to terminate the Booking must inform Nannybag of this by using the contact form available on the Website, including "Booking termination" in the subject line. Any termination request must be sufficiently justified.

12. Payment to the Nanny

The amounts charged by the Nanny for each Luggage storage service will be specified in the Booking request sent by the Traveller and in the Booking summary.

The Nanny authorises Stripe, Nannybag's financial partner, to collect the transaction price, in their name and on their behalf, through the secure electronic payment system set up on the Website or through any other means set up by Nannybag.

In remuneration for use of the Website, the Nanny authorises Nannybag, through accepting the Traveller's request and payment for the Transaction, to retain some commission on the total price of the transaction (including taxes) in the form of Service Fees. The amount of Service Fees is 50% of the Transaction amount, inclusive of all taxes.

The payment of the sums owed to the Nanny will be made automatically before the 15th of the month following the service, as long as there is no ongoing dispute, to the bank account associated with the bank details entered by the Nanny when creating their advertisement.

Obligation to declare earnings
The Nanny takes full responsibility for declaring any revenue made through their activity on nannybag.com.

The Nanny bears sole responsibility for any declarations made to the tax authorities and any other competent authorities about the total of their revenue made from services offered through the Website.

Nannybag may not be held responsible for a Nanny's failure to comply with their income declaration obligations in any circumstances.

If the services carried out via the Website constitute regular activity for the Nanny and the Nanny makes significant profit from them, they must rectify this situation by gaining the legal status required for this work.

13. Ratings and comments

In order to ensure the greatest possible transparency in the quality of Profiles and Advertisements published on the Website, Travellers are invited to evaluate the services rendered by Nannies with whom they have had a confirmed Booking.

The Nanny recognises the purpose of this process and expressly accepts the concept of this system of evaluation and ratings which may be made public, including on their Profile.

The Traveller is therefore asked to evaluate the Nanny's services as quickly as possible after the services are rendered. They are asked to give their opinion on the service rendered by giving a rating between 1 and 5 stars, which must always be accompanied by a comment.

The whole service must be evaluated based on objective criteria.

When the Nanny has been rated at least once, the rating obtained and, where applicable, the comment associated with it will be added to the Profile of the Nanny concerned. Every time the Nanny is rated, a new average will be calculated.

The Nanny may disagree with an evaluation concerning them by writing to the Company via email to: contact@nannybag.com specifying their request in the subject line and succinctly describing the reasons for their disagreement. Nannybag reserves the right to make direct contact with the Traveller who left the comment and rating and to change or delete ratings and/or comments if required.

14. Liability

Users' and Members' obligations
The truth, validity and accuracy of profiles, advertisements and comments published by Members are solely the responsibility of their authors and are not the responsibility of Nannybag in any circumstances. Furthermore, updates to and deletion of Profiles, advertisements and comments are solely the responsibility of their authors. The User or Member is bound by the information they enter as soon as it is validated.

Members agree to redact advertisements in a clear and exact fashion. The truth, validity and accuracy of advertisements published by Members are solely the responsibility of their authors and are not the responsibility of Nannybag in any circumstances. Similarly, any advertisement descriptions are not the responsibility of Nannybag. Members protect Nannybag against any complaints or disputes relating to the content of Profiles and/or advertisements that they publish. Moreover, Members are fully responsible for any hyperlinks they insert regarding both Nannybag and third parties.

Members therefore protect Nannybag in the event of any complaint or dispute relating to the content of Profiles, advertisements and comments they have published. In the event of providing false information, the Member takes full responsibility for the harmful consequences of any kind suffered by the Company or any other person. The Member therefore agrees to protect Nannybag against any complaint of any kind that may be made to this end.

Furthermore, the Nanny bears sole responsibility for the adequate rendering of the service or services offered by them and displayed on the Website. The Nanny shall protect Nannybag against any complaint regarding the rendering of these services from the Traveller Member. Nannybag will not be liable in any circumstances in this regard. The Nannybag protection only covers a limited range of incidents (material damage to Luggage and its contents, breakage, loss, theft) that may occur to the Luggage stored.

The Traveller Member agrees not to ask a Nanny to render services other than those listed in the advertisement description and not to request illegal services.

Users and Members also agree not to use the Website for non-private, commercial or professional ends or for soliciting or prostitution. Users and Members also agree not to make comments or share any form of content that contravene the rights of others or that are of a defamatory, abusive, obscene, offensive, political, racist, xenophobic or violent nature or that incite violence and, more generally, any content that contravenes the laws and regulations in force or common decency.

Users and Members also agree not to spread or make their personal details (email address, postal address, telephone(s), URL, website, etc.) public on the site, thus allowing a User or Member to contact them by a means other than through Nannybag, and to refrain from advertising in favour of commercial websites other than the Website.

In general, in the event of User's or a Member's non-compliance with the clauses of these Terms and Conditions, Nannybag may refuse them access to the Website and/or to the services offered on the Website without the User or Member being able to claim a refund or discount. Furthermore, Nannybag reserves the right to suspend or delete any Member's account (Profiles, advertisements, comments, Account), without any refund or compensation, if Nannybag deems the Member's use of this account to be abusive or suspects fraudulent use (check of number of times accessed and from where) and to file for compensation and/or take legal action.

The User or Member agrees to compensate Nannybag for any expense or fee arising from any complaint or dispute, whether judicial or extra-judicial, linked to the User's or Member's error or negligence.

Depositary's liability & Insurance
The Nanny is liable for their offer(s) to store and then return Luggage as a depositary. The Nanny must therefore hold a valid multi-risk home insurance policy. The Nanny is strongly advised to inform their insurer of their intention to provide a third party with a storage area for this depositary activity, in order to receive their consent. The Nanny agrees not to rent storage space professionally.

The Nanny is responsible for returning the Luggage in the state in which it was dropped off. From the time of drop-off onwards, the Nanny is the guardian of the items stored, in accordance with article 1915 and the following articles of the civil code concerning the deposit rental contract.

As the Traveller does not have private use of the storage space, from the time of drop-off onwards, the Nanny is responsible for returning the Luggage stored in the state in which it was dropped off.

The Nanny is obligated to inform the Traveller or Nannybag as soon as possible of any loss, damage or theft that may have occurred to their stored Luggage.

The storage service ensuing from a Booking links only the Traveller and the Nanny, and does not include Nannybag.

Nannybag protection:
Nannybag may decide, at its sole discretion, to compensate a Traveller in the event of damage to their Luggage while using the Nannybag service, subject to the limitations, exclusions and conditions below. This protection applies in the event of loss, theft or material damage suffered by Luggage while using the luggage storage service. It does not apply to the luggage shipping service and does not constitute an insurance contract, but is offered at the discretion of Nannybag, which is therefore entitled to reject any claim at its own decision.

Nannybag protection is included in any reservation made online. In the event of a claim, it is imperative to have the damage certified by the Nanny. No claim can be accepted without the Nanny confirming the damage suffered. You must inform Nannybag of the loss, theft or damage to your Luggage for which you wish to invoke the guarantee by sending an e-mail to contact@nannybag.com within 72 hours of the scheduled end of your reservation.

Nannybag may issue compensation of up to EUR 1,000 per piece of luggage deposited. If necessary, Nannybag will compensate the value of the items taking into account their initial values as well as any loss caused by wear and tear. To do this, the bills for the goods related to the claim must be provided to Nannybag, who will be the sole judge of whether or not to provide compensation, as well as its possible amount.

Whatever the circumstances, the goods excluded in the paragraph "Nature of the belongings stored" of article "5. Clauses linked to storage and nature of belongings stored" cannot be the subject of any compensation.

Limitation of Nannybag's liability
Nannybag agrees to do everything in its power for the Website to function in the best possible way and for the services offered by Nannybag to satisfy Members.

Nannybag, as a simple intermediary between Members, is only subject to an obligation of best endeavours, and not an obligation to achieve a specific result, which all Users and Members recognise and accept expressly.

No checks are made on the advertisements published, on the reality, quality, availability and security of the Luggage storage premises (except those Members who request a Nannybag certification on their Profile), on the items inside the Travellers' Luggage, or on the Members' legal capacity.

Nannybag will not be liable in the event of an error or negligence attributable to a User, Member or any third party, or in the case of force majeure.

Nannybag.com will not be liable for any conflict arising between a Nanny and a Traveller for any reason.

Nannybag agrees to deal with any complaint written to Nannybag via email on the following email address: contact@nannybag.com, the Nannybag team will reply as quickly as possible.

No complaint of any kind will be accepted more than 72 hours after the Luggage return time indicated in the Booking summary.

15. Terms of access to services – Continuity of service

The Website is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, subject to possible breakdowns and maintenance or other tasks necessary for the correct functioning of the Website and/or functionalities and/or equipment. Access to the Website is also subject to force majeure or other events out of Nannybag's control. For reasons linked to the modification of the Website or its maintenance, access to the Website may be cut off for several hours or days, without this giving entitlement to compensation of any kind. The same applies in the event of the Website's permanent closure.

Given the particularities of the internet, Nannybag does not offer a guarantee of continuity of service of any kind and is only subject to an obligation of best endeavours in this respect.

Users and Members declare that they are aware of the characteristics and limits of the internet, particularly of its technical performance, of response times for consulting, checking or transferring data and of the risks linked to communication security.

Nannybag does not accept any responsibility for any damage, including the loss of content or information, linked to the use of or the inability to use the Website.

16. Personal data

General Conditions
Members and Travellers agree, for each of the specific applicable conditions, to comply with regulations on the processing of personal data and in particular, the General Data Protection Regulations (EU regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Council of 27 April 2016). Nannybag must process personal data to provide the services they offer. The characteristics of this data-processing are as follows :
The objective of processing personal data

Management of the Nannybag contact site.

Type of personal data processed

  • • Name, First name
  • • Email address
  • • Telephone number
  • • Photograph
  • • Postal address
  • • Bank account details

Categories of people concerned

  • • Nannies
  • • Travellers

Duration of processing

Nannybag only stores the data collected on its Members for the period during which they have an account on the Nannybag website.

Location where the data is processed European Union

Nannybag is responsible for data processing and will comply with the obligations of the applicable regulations above, notably the obligation to inform the required persons, maintain a data-processing log, and in general adhere to the principles of the regulation.

The data supplied by Members to Nannybag for the purposes of service provision remain the property and responsibility of Members.

Nannybag operates exclusively as a personal data processor.

Obligations of Nannybag to Members

Data processing :
Nannybag agrees to process data only with the objective of operating services and in compliance with the written instructions of the Member, including with regards to the transfer of data outside of the European Union. Nannybag agrees to inform the Member if, in its opinion, an instruction constitutes a violation of applicable regulations.

Security and confidentiality of data :
Nannybag commits to implementing appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure the security and integrity of personal data, its backup and restoration if a physical or technical incident occurs. Consequently, Nannybag guarantees the Member against fraudulent or illegal use of their data, against destruction, partial loss, total loss or theft of their data. Nannybag ensures that persons authorised to work with their data are subject to the obligation to keep them confidential. Nannybag commits to not divulging or passing on personal data, whether for free or paid, directly or indirectly, and to not reproducing, copying, communicating, or making personal data accessible to any third-party in any form or by any means.

Data storage
Nannybag commits to storing data inside the European Union.

Other data processors :
Nannybag agrees not to subcontract the processing of personal data to any other data processors without the prior, specific or general written agreement of the Member. Where the authorisation is general, Nannybag agrees to inform the Member of any expected change or addition of subcontractor and the Member has the right to object to such changes.

Supplier information :
Nannybag agrees to respond to any request for information made by the Member, whether exercising their right to request information, as part of an impact analysis, a request by data protection authorities or the mandated data protection representatives of the Member.

Notification of data breaches and complaints :
Nannybag agrees to notify the Member of any breaches of the security of personal data or of any complaints made by anyone about the data within 48 hours of being informed of such. Where the Member themselves declares a data breach to data-processing authorities, Nannybag agrees to provide the Member with all relevant information and contact details. In general, Nannybag agrees to inform the Member as soon as possible of any dereliction of their duty, by its employees, service providers or by third parties of which it may have knowledge, and inform the Member as soon as possible of any request concerning their (personal) data.

Cooperation with data protection authorities :
Nannybag agrees to cooperate with data protection authorities at the request of the Member, notably on information requests which may be made to either party as part of an inspection. If the Nannybag should receive a request from administrative or judicial authorities, then Nannybag agrees to inform the Member immediately

Data conservation :
Nannybag agrees to delete personal data six months after the expiry of the contract, no matter the reason for contract termination and not to retain a copy of the personal data. By extension, data may be deleted before this date on explicit request by the Member.

Register and documentation :
Nannybag maintains a register of data processes carried out on behalf of Members. The register contains information on data processes executed. Nannybag agrees to provide the Member, on request, with all information to demonstrate that it complies with its obligations.

17. Intellectual property

Nannybag is the owner of the copyright relating to all elements of the Website and associated websites and of all pages and documents published there by Nannybag. All the elements accessible on the Website, including text, photographs, images, icons, maps, sounds, videos, software and databases, are also protected by intellectual and industrial property rights and other private rights or relevant usage rights held by Nannybag, limited by any rights held by third parties.

Access to the Website does not entitle Users or Members to any right over the intellectual property rights relating to the Website and the associated web pages, which remain the exclusive property of Nannybag. Any violation of copyright may lead to prosecution.

Nannybag does not authorise any use of its Site, services or data, other than that offered on the site. The User or Member may not, under any circumstances, reproduce, represent, modify, transmit, publish, adapt or use in any way, in any format and by any means, all or part of the Website without prior written authorisation from the Company, in the case of usage other than that intended by the Website.

Nevertheless, the Member can reproduce and print the information to which they have access through their requested Services for strictly personal use. However, the reproduction of the entirety of the information and data contained on the Website and/or within the services requested is forbidden, as is the uploading of this information to the internet.

It is strictly forbidden for the User or Member to copy this information and data in order to publish, spread or sell it in any way, and/or to violate the rights, directly or indirectly, held by Nannybag, by other Users or Members or by third parties in any way.

It is forbidden for any legal person, or for any physical person acting on behalf of a legal person, to contact Users or Members, or to retrieve part or all of the Website's database, or even to use the Website. This prohibition applies particularly, but not exclusively, to practices such as scrapping or the use of robots in order to extract or reproduce any element of the Website, including the range of products or services offered there, especially for commercial ends.

Nannybag reserves the right to delete the account concerned immediately, without any possible refund or compensation, without prejudice to any action and/or complaint and/or compensation carried out or requested, potentially through legal proceedings, against any legal or physical person who may be responsible for these actions.

18. Applicable law and competent jurisdiction

These Terms and Conditions are governed by French law. Any dispute not resolved amicably within 60 days between Nannybag and a User or Member of the Website may be taken to the relevant court within the jurisdiction of the Court of Appeal of Paris.

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