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洛杉矶中途停留是游览该市一些顶级景点的绝佳机会,即使时间有限! 洛杉矶国际机场(Lax)附近便利的行李寄存服务可让您安全地存放行李,充分利用您的停留时间。 如果您想住得近一点,拉克斯机场是世界上少数几个拥有海滩的机场之一,距离达克韦勒州海滩只有很短的距离。 根据您的停留时间,您可以游览附近的景点,如威尼斯海滩和圣莫尼卡码头,甚至可以快速游览好莱坞。
洛杉矶郡立艺术博物馆(LCMA)是美国西部最大的艺术博物馆,收藏了从古至今的 15 万多件作品,令人印象深刻。 它位于奇迹一英里地区,以 "城市之光 "雕塑和 "悬浮巨石 "等标志性装置为特色。 如果您的预算有限,请在每月第二个周二参观 LACMA,因为它提供免费入场。 请务必使用行李寄存处,让您在游览时尽量不带行李。
参观环球影城是一种独特的体验,它将工作中的电影制片厂与令人肾上腺素飙升的主题公园结合在一起。 作为游客,您可以尽情享受各种景点,包括著名的影城之旅(带您进入真实电影场景的幕后),以及更多冒险游乐项目,如 "哈利-波特与禁忌之旅 "和 "侏罗纪世界之旅"。好莱坞环球影城拥有世界上最大的 3d 体验项目 "金刚 360 3-d",由彼得-杰克逊创作。 在您参观之前,请使用 Nannybag 行李寄存处来保管您的随身物品,让您的参观体验完全没有压力。
只需简单几步操作,即可使用NannyBag轻松寄存行李:您可以在网站上预订,或者使用App Store和Google Play上的NannyBag应用程序。在搜索栏中输入您的位置,即可从众多附近的寄存处中选择一处来安全地寄存行李。您可以在洛杉矶各个热门位置快速找到行李寄存处。行李寄存处有多种表述,具体取决于您所在的地方。这些表述指的都是行李寄存服务。例如,在英国,人们会使用“left luggage”(行李寄存处),而非“luggage locker”(行李寄存柜)。您不必为不同的表述感到困惑 您只需找到寄存行李的地点。
LAX 行李寄存
LAX is the primary airport for flights between North America and Asia, making it a major hub for international travel, sees millions of passengers annually. Have a layover in the city and want to explore LA freely? Use Nannybag’s LAX luggage storage to stash your bags as you explore!
搭乘火车旅行是一种美好经历 您不但能够享受绝佳的便捷服务,还能借此探索的别样精彩。难怪大多数旅行者都偏好这种探索方式!从开始,开启您在的精彩探索之旅。要享受畅游体验,妥善寄存行李是关键。我们在提供行李寄存服务,能够助您一臂之力。无论是在入住Airbnb房源前还是退房后,您都可以在NannyBag于火车站附近和市内各地所设的行李寄存处安全存放行李,每天每件行李只收费$ 4.5。借助NannyBag应用程序,您可以提前预订或临时预订。
Los Angeles Union Station 行李寄存
Opened in 1939 and featuring stunning Mission Revival and Art Deco architecture, Los Angeles Union Station is the main railway station in Los Angeles. It offers connections via Amtrak and Metro services. Explore the nearby attractions like Olvera Street and the Arts District after using Los Angeles Union Station luggage storage to keep your bags safe.
您可以利用造访洛杉矶的机会游览尽可能多的地标和名胜古迹。这是缔造美好时刻、体验本地生活的最佳方式。无论您是按计划游览,还是临时安排,无需让行李影响您探索这座城市的节奏。在使用附近的Nannybag寄存服务,只需$ 4.5即可预订!
Venice 行李寄存
Venice is a neighborhood in Los Angeles known for its beach boardwalk and is famous for its Muscle Beach outdoor gym, where bodybuilders like Arnold Schwarzenegger once trained. Heavy bags can be helpful at the muscle gym, but Venice luggage storage is a better solution. Download the Nannybag app today to see all the different locations to choose from.
Hollywood 行李寄存
Hollywood is the entertainment capital of the world, known for its iconic landmarks such as the TCL Chinese Theatre, Hollywood Sign, and the Hollywood Walk of Fame, which spans 15 blocks and features over 2,600 stars honoring celebrities from the entertainment industry. Enjoy the glitz and glamour after using Hollywood luggage storage to store your bags.
Downtown 行李寄存
In Downtown Los Angeles you can find attractions like the Walt Disney Concert Hall, the Broad Museum, and the historic Olvera Street. The Bradbury Building in Downtown LA is one of the city’s most iconic buildings and has been featured in films like "Blade Runner." Take advantage of Nannybag’s luggage storage Downtown Los Angeles to stash your bags and explore LA.
Santa Monica 行李寄存
Santa Monica is a popular coastal city known for its iconic pier, the Santa Monica Pier. Built in 1909, the pier features a carousel, an aquarium, and Pacific Park, an amusement park with a solar-powered Ferris wheel. Enjoy the beach and the park baggage-free with the help of Santa Monica luggage storage by Nannybag for only $4.5 per bag per day.