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芬威公园是波士顿红袜队的主场。 它是所有棒球迷或历史爱好者的必游之地。 该球场于 1912 年启用,是棒球大联盟中仍在使用的最古老的球场。 芬威公园拥有标志性的 "绿色怪物",高耸的左外野墙甚至能挑战最优秀的击球手。 无论是观看比赛还是在导游的带领下参观,您都会发现自己被这座传奇球场的悠久历史所深深吸引。 出于安全考虑,体育场馆通常都有严格、明确的行李规定。 如果您发现自己身边有任何大件行李,Nannybag 行李寄存选项可确保您能轻松愉快地游览。
金西市场位于波士顿市中心,自 1826 年以来一直为游客提供服务。 市场上有食品摊位、商店和街头表演。 它是美国最早的大型美食广场之一,旨在满足快速发展的城市需求。 带着大包小包的行李在市场里穿梭可能是个挑战,幸好 Nannybag 在附近提供便利的行李寄存服务,让您可以放开手脚享受市场的乐趣。 在享受美食和氛围的同时,也不会有任何额外的行李负担。 波士顿是一座历史悠久的城市,在美国革命和美国建国过程中发挥了举足轻重的作用。
波士顿历史中的重要历史遗迹包括自由小径,这条 2.5 英里长的小径将带您穿越 16 个重要地标,其中包括保罗-里维夫故居和老北教堂。 波士顿还是美国最古老的公共公园--波士顿公共公园(Boston common)的所在地,该公园建于 1634 年。 Nannybag 在全市范围内提供便利的行李寄存服务,尤其是在主要历史景点附近,让您更轻松地探索波士顿的悠久历史。
只需简单几步操作,即可使用NannyBag轻松寄存行李:您可以在网站上预订,或者使用App Store和Google Play上的NannyBag应用程序。在搜索栏中输入您的位置,即可从众多附近的寄存处中选择一处来安全地寄存行李。您可以在Boston各个热门位置快速找到行李寄存处。行李寄存处有多种表述,具体取决于您所在的地方。这些表述指的都是行李寄存服务。例如,在英国,人们会使用“left luggage”(行李寄存处),而非“luggage locker”(行李寄存柜)。您不必为不同的表述感到困惑 您只需找到寄存行李的地点。
抵达后,从机场前往最终目的地通常是最要紧的事。但是,如果您须在中途停留,您也许想抓紧时间游览一番。无论停留时间长短,如果您想在机场附近存放暂不需要使用的行李,可通过NannyBag预订在附近的合作伙伴处安全存放行李,直到需要时再取用!在Boston Logan Airport使用便利的行李寄存服务,省时省力,在Boston畅享欢乐时光!舒享与众不同的旅行体验。
Boston Logan Airport 行李寄存
Named after General Edward Lawrence Logan, a Spanish-American War officer from South Boston, Boston Logan Airport is New England’s primary airport, offering flights to destinations all over the world. With Nannybag’s extensive luggage network, you’ll have no problem finding Boston Logan Airport luggage storage.
您可以利用造访Boston的机会游览尽可能多的地标和名胜古迹。这是缔造美好时刻、体验本地生活的最佳方式。无论您是按计划游览,还是临时安排,无需让行李影响您探索这座城市的节奏。在使用附近的Nannybag寄存服务,只需$ 4.5即可预订!
Faneuil Hall 行李寄存
Faneuil Hall has been a marketplace and a meeting hall since 1743, earning it the nickname "The Cradle of Liberty." It’s currently a marketplace and historic landmark with a variety of shops and eateries. Nannybag Faneuil Hall luggage storage comprehensive coverage of up to $10,000 let’s you explore this spot without dragging your bags around.
Beacon Hill 行李寄存
Beacon Hill is one of Boston’s most picturesque neighborhoods, famous for its narrow streets, brick row houses, and historic charm. Beacon Hill's gas-lit streets and brick sidewalks make it one of the most photographed areas in Boston. Wander the charming streets and enjoy the historic sites unencumbered by your luggage with Nannybag Beacon Hill luggage storage.
Long Wharf 行李寄存
Nannybag Long Wharf luggage storage allows you to enjoy the scenic waterfront and all its activities without the hassle of carrying bags. Long Wharf in Boston is a historic waterfront area that offers stunning views and boat tours. It was once the longest wharf in North America, playing a crucial role in Boston's maritime history.
North End 行李寄存
The North End is Boston's oldest residential community, continuously inhabited since the 1630s. It’s currently a popular neighborhood known for its Italian heritage, foodie spots, and historic sites. With Nannybag’s North End luggage storage, you can freely savor what North End has to offer.
TD Garden 行李寄存
TD Garden is Boston’s premier sports and entertainment arena, home to the Bruins and Celtics, and hosts over 200 events a year. TD Garden luggage storage by Nannybag is your close-by solution to keep your bags secured so you can enter the venue freely.
Little Italy 行李寄存
Boston’s Little Italy, located in the North End, is famous for its authentic Italian restaurants and pastry shops. Little Italy is also home to the annual Feast of Saint Anthony, one of the largest Italian religious festivals in the U.S. If you’re looking for Little Italy luggage storage, Nannybag has several nannies in the area that will safely store your belongings.
Hynes Convention Center 行李寄存
With Nannybag Hynes Convention Center luggage storage, you can attend events and explore the area without the inconvenience of carrying bags. Hynes Convention Center offers easy access to some of Boston's best shopping and dining. The Convention Center hosts a wide range of events, from conventions to trade shows to corporate gatherings and more.
Boston aquarium 行李寄存
The New England Aquarium in Boston is a popular attraction among families that features a giant ocean tank, IMAX theater, and diverse marine life. Nannybag offers nearby Boston aquarium luggage storage so you can visit the Aquarium's Giant Ocean Tank that holds 200,000 gallons of water without the burden of your bags.
Boston Convention and Exhibition Center 行李寄存
Nannybag’s nearby Boston Convention and Exhibition Center luggage storage lets you enjoy your event without being held down. The Boston Convention and Exhibition Center (BCEC) is one of the largest convention centers in the Northeast with a distinctive architecture that includes a dramatic roofline that mimics the shapes of ships and sails.
Downtown 行李寄存
Nannybag offers a convenient luggage storage Downtown Boston option that lets you explore the Freedom Trail, a 2.5-mile-long path that passes by 16 locations significant to the history of the United States. Drop off your bags and take in the history with the help of a Nanny.
Fenway Park 行李寄存
Fenway Park is the oldest ballpark in Major League Baseball, having opened in 1912. It’s currently the legendary home of the Boston Red Sox, known for its iconic Green Monster and rich history. Nannybag Fenway Park luggage storage is your go-to storage solution so you can enjoy the game along with some Cracker Jacks.
搭乘火车旅行是一种美好经历 您不但能够享受绝佳的便捷服务,还能借此探索的别样精彩。难怪大多数旅行者都偏好这种探索方式!从开始,开启您在的精彩探索之旅。要享受畅游体验,妥善寄存行李是关键。我们在提供行李寄存服务,能够助您一臂之力。无论是在入住Airbnb房源前还是退房后,您都可以在NannyBag于火车站附近和市内各地所设的行李寄存处安全存放行李,每天每件行李只收费$ 4.5。借助NannyBag应用程序,您可以提前预订或临时预订。
Boston Back Bay Station 行李寄存
Finding a spot to store your bags has never been easier with Nannybag Boston Back Bay Station luggage storage. Back Bay Station is in one of Boston’s most stylish neighborhoods, known for its Victorian brownstone homes and upscale shopping. It’s currently a major transportation hub offering connections to Amtrak, MBTA commuter rail, and subway services.
Boston South Station 行李寄存
Looking for luggage storage at the largest railroad station and intercity bus terminal in Greater Boston? Nannybag has you covered with their easy Boston South Station luggage storage. Keep your belongings safe at one of the busiest transportation hubs in the city.
Boston North Station 行李寄存
Boston North Station is a key hub for Amtrak and MBTA services and is directly connected to TD Garden, making it easy for travelers to catch a game or concert. Need to store your bags? Boston North Station luggage storage by Nannybag has you covered.